Interview with Lucia

This spring I was happy to welcome two new team members to my small business.

Lucia became my studio assistant after the Covid lockdown. Thankfully she was already part of my social bubble. It has been a pleasure to have her on my team, she’s always motivated to learn something new from beading necklaces to helping me fulfill and ship orders.

These pictures were taken for the Dene Nahjo Winter art market by Jamie Stevenson Photography,the hair and make-up was done by Karen Priscilla. Lucia and Maslyn assisted with the photoshoot all day and then had the chance to model for the first time.

Lucia modeling LVH Jewellery

Here’s a questionnaire she answered for you:

Why did you want to work for Tania Larsson?

- The reason I wanted to start work with Tania was to experience a new job opportunity that could potentially lead me to future careers and life skills. I love Tania and her jewellery and it just seemed like a fun opportunity that could help me figure out what I want to do in life.

What has been the biggest surprise working for a jewellery business and online store?

- I think the biggest surprise is how much work goes into one earring or one necklace it’s crazy! I knew it was time consuming, but I didn’t ever think too hard about it. Every item sold had hours and hours of attention, from more than just one person. But it’s definitely so worth it to make such beautiful pieces that people love. 

What has been the favourite thing you learned to do so far?

- My favourite thing I’ve learned so far is how to make dentalium shell earrings, I’ve always thought they were so pretty, and I love that I can make them

You are in grade 12 with a lot of decisions to make soon: has this job inspired you to create your own business in the future or pursue a creative field full time?

- Well yes to an extent, I honestly don’t have a clue what I wanna do. My friends and I always had a dream to start a little clothing store. I definitely know see that it’s gonna be a lot of work and very time/money consuming, but I still want to do it. The job has shown me I really don’t need to work in an office job which I super don’t want to do, and I feel like I will go in the direction of the creative field I’m just so drawn to it.

What is one thing you love doing at work?

- One thing I love doing at work is just hanging with Tania and Maslyn, this job is the calmest work environment. Most the time it just feels like I’m hanging out at Tania’s studio.

What is your least favourite thing to do at work?

- I’ve got to say my least favourite thing is working with the very small beads, it’s very easy to get frustrated and working with beads that tiny is very time consuming and eye straining. I love everything about my job though it’s such an amazing experience and Tania is such an understanding boss, I’m so lucky to have gotten this experience.


Lucia modelling Cheryl Fennel red seal skin earrings


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